Our Adventure Begins
Well, we’re off. Elvis, and the Numrich’s have left the building…
The last 7-8 weeks have been crazy. We’ve lived in 5 houses, since selling our house in 13 days back in April, and have those people to thank for opening up their homes to us. This would include Nate Utech, the Kern’s, the Currie’s and Ma n’ Pa Numrich with two of their homes.
We’ve cluttered your homes, raided your fridges and crowded your common places. Some of you were on vacations and some even moved out temporarily to give us space. All we can say is wow. Just wow. Thank you so much.
We would be lying if we didn’t admit we were scared, but not doing something because you’re fearful is the worse reason not to do something (and unfortunately the most popular). But whether we succeed or fail, we’ll do it as a family. Together.
Lastly, we’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of positive and encouraging feedback the last several months as we’ve told everyone about our plans. At some points, our friends were more positive than we were! Believe it or not, it was those people who kept us focused and looking on the bright sides of this opportunity.
To be honest, this last week has been horrible, as we’ve had to say a lot of good byes. It once again reminded us of how lucky we are. We’ll keep in touch through this blog and our Facebook page. You’ll get to see our fun times and even our heartbreaks when things don’t go as planned. But as they say, the adventure doesn’t start until something goes wrong. We’ll take whatever happens as a family, and grow from it.
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We love you all,
Matt, Steph, Jack and Max Numrich